Something Awesome Here About It...
Attention Aspiring Voice Over Artists And Seasoned Pros…
The ALL NEW VO Marketing Masterclass
Featuring: My Get-The-Job Roadmap
Saturday Jan 20th
11am -5:00 PM ET (10 CT, 9 MT, 8 PT)

Ready to get started? REGISTER HERE:

Hello Great Voice,

Whether you’re already an in-demand pro…

Or you’re just starting your dream career as a voice over artist…

You’ve likely gotten wind of how quickly AI is disrupting our industry.

But that’s no reason to panic!

Look, it’s true ―the bots ARE coming for some voice over gigs.
(And many of these are low priced, bargain-basement  gigs you probably don’t want anyway).

But AI is actually creating lots of  new opportunities for voice talent too.

That’s why I’ve reworked one of my most popular signature courses to include everything – and I mean everything – you need to thrive as a voice over artist in 2024 and beyond.

The VO Marketing Masterclass
Featuring: My Get-The-Job Roadmap
This special event takes place Saturday Jan 20th from 11am - 5pm ET, and VO beginners and pros navigating the choppy sea change of AI are invited.  

In this special event you’ll discover…
  • The ONE voice over niche that’s practically AI-proof. Plus, other voice over markets set to thrive despite Artificial Intelligence. 
  • AI is all the same, right? WRONG! Discover the 3 unique AI “Voice Types” you need to watch.
  • Brand new “AI O” certification every voice over artist needs right now. (Don’t put this one off – get yours today!)
  • WARNING: The sneaky new contract clause you should NEVER sign. Plus, the exact language that protects you from unscrupulous tech companies trying to clone your voice! 
  • How to lean into your “humanness” so YOU stand head and shoulders above the bots. (This is the ONLY real way to thrive in the AI-Age.)
  • Understanding hybrid voices. When you should actually be HAPPY to see your customers dabbling with AI. 
  • The “hidden-in-plain-site” solution that keeps your voice over calendar booked – no matter what AI does next!
  • Are you still wasting your time on THIS “dinosaur niche”? The one market AI already put on the endangered species list. (Bow out now before it becomes extinct!)
The genie ain’t going back in the bottle, folks.  AI is here to stay, so it’s time to figure out how to use it YOUR advantage. Otherwise, you’ll likely get replaced faster than a beeping battery in a fire detector.
But Massively Growing Your Voice Over Business In 2024
(And Beyond)
Isn’t JUST About “AI Proofing” Yourself…
The truth is one simple problem prevents many talented voices from ever really “making it” as a voice over artist — and that one simple problem is NOT AI.

This issue has been around a whole lot longer than that.

What am I talking about?

Knowing how to market your talent. 

Because it doesn’t matter how good you are…


That’s why The VO Marketing Masterclass includes my revolutionary Mic To Money “Monetize Your Voice” Framework™.

My proprietary voice over marketing system has helped thousands of people successfully launch voice careers.

And I know it can help you, too.

What Makes My “Mic To Money”™ System Work So Well?

This may seem counterintuitive, but…

Too many aspiring voice over artists spend 110% of their time and energy on their voice alone.


Because they don’t know what else to do!

But for a full calendar of booked out gigs, the secret sauce is in my exclusive Mic To Money framework.
That’s because Mic To Money™ shows you exactly how to target your “dream fit” clients – those brands and businesses that match your experience, interests, and voice type.
Look, it's no secret more people than ever are trying to break into voiceover.

But most of them have NO CLUE how to market themselves.

Most aspiring voice over artists just park their demo on one of the pay-to-play voice casting sites and hope for the best. Then wind up bitterly disappointed when they're overlooked and lost in the mix.

The truth is voice over has always been competitive.

It was highly competitive when I started my voice over business decades ago and it's highly competitive today.

I can honestly say the real reason I was able to massively grow my business and make it to the top was not because of my God-given talent…

It’s because I got serious about learning how to market myself.

I invested in mentorship with some of the greatest sales and marketing gurus of our time.

And now I’m passing on everything I learned to you.

So please…

STOP wasting your time trying to audition just a *little* better than everybody else.

That’s never going to give you enough of the edge you need to stand out.

Instead, invest in the The VO Marketing Masterclass.

You’ll discover step-by-step marketing secrets that instantly cut through all the noise and chatter of a crowded marketplace.
Best of all?

I’ll personally guide you through implementing many of your key marketing pieces during the VO Marketing Masterclass. No more procrastinating!

 I’ll kickstart  you into action so the  minute the training is over

…you’ll know exactly what to do to get the clients you want

Just imagine how good it’s going to feel when you book out all the voice over jobs your schedule can handle!

If all that sounds good to you, you’re probably wondering…

“Susan, how much does The VO Marketing Masterclass cost?”

Well, It’s no secret that thousands of now-successful voice over artists happily paid as much as $2,000 for our famous live Bootcamps.

Ambitious, dedicated artists have flown in from far off corners of the globe just to get their hands on my proven frameworks. They’ve traveled thousands of miles from places like Kenya… Singapore… London…

Just for this same opportunity to kickstart their voice over career.

Lucky you…

You won’t have to pay anywhere near that much. You don’t even need to leave your couch!

Since this new “AI Age” truly is a gamechanger, I need to get these make-or-break practices into as many hands as possible fast.

That’s why — for a very limited time — the tuition for The VO Marketing Masterclass is only $497.

Can’t make it live? Register anyway because…

Everything is being recorded!

So you’ll have lifetime access to all the tactics, strategies, and frameworks you need to build your dream voice over career.
Upgrade your training
Add the Home Studio Masterclass and Certification Program at registration and save $100!
In this small-group masterclass, Great Voice engineer Ron Puckett will take you by the hand, and help you go from square one to setting up your home studio and recording broadcast quality audio in just about 30 days or less.

You’ll discover how to:
  • Choose  the best audio gear without breaking the bank and learn how to set it up.
  • Install and use the best recording software.
  • Easily eliminate background noise with inexpensive, easy-to-use software.
    ​Edit out mistakes from your audio.
  • Meet the precise audio specifications of your future clients.
  • Save, send and upload audio files.
Receive the Great Voice Audio Certified seal of approval upon course completion.
Normally $497, the Home Studio Masterclass is only $397 when you bundle it with the Marketing Masterclass at checkout. Offered monthly, choose dates that work for you.
Important Refund and Cancellation Policy
You may cancel your registration and request a full refund up to 5 pm ET on Friday Jan 19th. After that there will be no refunds, whether or not you attend The VO Marketing Masterclass on Saturday June 20th.  With your paid enrollment, you’ll still get lifetime access to all the tips and tricks I share with you!
Here’s A Recap Of Everything You’ll Get When You Claim Your Seat For:
The VO Marketing Masterclass
How To Get – And Keep – Voice Over Jobs In The Age Of AI
Saturday Jan 20, 2024
11 am-5:00 pm ET
Tuition: $497
Module 1:
The Secret To Beating The Bots
A great read isn’t just about getting the words right and avoiding flubs.  

The real juice in voice over is imbuing each take with your unique human spirit.

The good news is AI simply can’t do this.

But you can – if you brush up on your voice acting skills.

In this module you’ll discover …
  • Voice over secret cuts through clutter, touches audiences, and sells almost like magic. Get this right and clients will have your number on speed dial!
  • How to create “driveway moments” that skyrocket your reputation. You know when a narrator has you so engrossed in an audiobook you simply can’t pull yourself away? Yeah, it IS possible for YOU to get that good.
  • The “Poet’s Proof” persuasion tech you MUST master in order to deliver voice overs that sell.
You’ll also discover…
  • How to play your voice like a finely-tuned instrument. Get the proven insider drills that take your voice from mildly interesting to downright intriguing.
  • Polish your 3 Human Voice Factors. Win auditions and build relationships so strong your customers wouldn’t even dream of replacing you with a bot.
  • The insider technique that triples broadcast commercial sales.
Module 2:
My  Mic To Money™ Voice Over  Marketing Framework
I’ve overhauled my entire proprietary system to cover everything you need to slay voice over work in this new AI Age — including which niche voice over markets to double down on and which ones aren’t worth your time.

I’ll walk you through my  Mic To Money™ Monetize Your Voice Framework and “look over your shoulder” virtually as you complete several of your key marketing pieces right then and there!

With me as your virtual tour guide to answer your questions and keep you on track, you’ll be carried forward by the  positive energy and momentum of the group as you:
  • Discover exactly how to find your unique voice over niche and reach a targeted group of customers for your new voiceover business.
  • Role-play proven sales  scripts so you know the perfect words to  say to voiceover prospects and buyers without feeling embarrassed or inauthentic
  • Create your price sheet  and have a price presentation process so you can get top dollar for your voiceovers without scaring clients away.
  • Get your  website registered and watch it begin to take shape before your very eyes.
  • Write a personalized demo submission email that open doors following my proven template.
  • Set up an easy-to-follow marketing calendar so you know your exact next steps, and that’s just for starters!
When you attend  my Virtual Voice Over Bootcamp you’ll get a step-by-step marketing formula, a proven marketing system,  and answers to your most burning questions like these:
  • What’s the best way to market myself if I’m starting from scratch?
  • Who are the best people and places to market to and how do I find them?
  • How do I market to people I’m uncomfortable calling?
  • What’s the most strategic way to market my voice over services if I have a full time job?
  • How much should I be charging for my services and how will  I know what to say when quoting my rates?
 And that’s just for starters
This special training is so affordable, all you need to do is book one average paying voice over gig to get a full return on your investment.

Now factor in how much moolah you could rake in from the lifetime value of just one good voiceover customer…

Can you really afford NOT to join us?

Register now and claim these amazing fast action bonuses.

How To Book Medical Narrations

You’ll discover:
  • How to create a targeted medical narration demo especially for this niche.
  • 42 types of customers you can market your services to as a medical narrator.
  • 10 proven strategies for turning prospects into buyers. You'll come away from the class with an almost turn-key system for getting great jobs as a medical narrator)
  • Medical pronunciation resources.
  • How much to charge for your medical narration work and much, much more.
Medical Narrations: Total Value: $150

How to Succeed In E-Learning Voice Over Niche

You’ll discover:
  • What it takes to become a successful e-learning narrator
  • Opportunities in business, finance, on-line universities and medical education
  • Preparing for an E-learning narration step by step
  • Home studio requirements including gear and workspace
  • Best practices e-Learning demos
  • How to find work as an e-learning narrator
  • How much to charge for your services
E-Learning Voice Over niche: Total Value $197
This special training is so affordable, all you need to do is book one average paying voice over gig to get a full return on your investment.

Now factor in how much moolah you could rake in from the lifetime value of just one good voiceover customer…

Can you really afford NOT to join us on Jan 20th?
Choose your ordering option below
Funnelology 101
I’m In! Sign me up for the VO Marketing Masterclass
Questions? Call us at 800-333-8108 
(9 am - 5 pm ET M-F) 
or email

Don’t Just Take My Word For It!
Here’s What My Students Have To Say:

Required Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don't apply to the average attendee/purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.
Copyright The Great Voice Company - All Rights Reserved
1 DeWolf Rd, Suite 205 Old Tappan NJ 07675