Something Awesome Here About It...
Attention Voice Over Beginners
Do you struggle with your home studio?
Announcing: The All- New
Home Studio Masterclass
And Certification program
with VO Fast Start
A 30-day sprint to help you have a broadcast-quality home studio and record your voice overs like a pro…even if you’ve never done this before.

Nov 2024 classes begin on Tuesday Nov 5th
(Classes meet on Tues 5, 12, 19, 26
8-9:30 pm ET (7 CT, 6 MT, 5 PT)

Jan 2025 classes begin on Tuesday Jan 7th
(Classes meet on Tues 7, 14, 21, 28
8-9:30 pm ET (7 CT, 6 MT, 5 PT)

Can’t make it live? No problem!
Sign up anyway and get the recordings.

From anxious to “I can do this!’ Click to hear Dianne Boatwright-Frost's comments about her experience in the Home Studio Masterclass.

Click anywhere in the video above to unmute

The Home Studio Masterclass 30 Day Sprint
And Home Studio Certification Program
is taught live on Zoom by expert audio engineer Ron Puckett.

In this small-group masterclass, engineer Ron will look over your virtual shoulder, take you by the hand, and help you go from square one to recording broadcast quality audio from home in just about 30 days or less.
You’ll discover how to:
  • Choose the best audio gear without breaking the bank.
  • ​Properly set up your digital audio workstation (DAW)--the control center of your home-based voice over business
  • ​Choose and install the best recording software
  • ​Easily eliminate background noise like traffic, birds, barking dogs and leaf blowers without expensive sound-proofing (the inexpensive, easy-to-use software we recommend will help you do it all).
  • ​Edit out mistakes, breaths, mouth noise and other glitches from your audio.
  • ​Meet the precise audio specifications for audio books and your future clients.
  • ​Save, send and upload audio files.
The Home Studio Masterclass is hands-on, which means you won’t just be learning, you’ll be doing. There’ll be homework and Engineer Ron will be listening to your audio and walking you through a 5-point checklist to make sure you’re doing it right.

And here’s the best part…

In the 4th and final class, you’ll submit an audio file for certification.

Listening carefully, Engineer Ron will make sure:
  • Your audio gear is correctly set up and working properly.
  • There is no noticeable background noise.
  • Your peak gain levels are between -6dB and -3dB (if you don’t know what that means, you need this training!)
  • Your noise floor is below -60dB (Clueless? You’ve come to the right place!)
  • Your audio file is correctly edited for breaths, mouth noise, room noise and plosives, and is properly de-essed and normalized. (Perplexed? Not to worry. With Engineer Ron by your side, you’ve got this!)
Then, when your audio checks all the boxes, you’ll receive The Great Voice Audio Certification Seal Of Approval to let your voice over clients will know you have what it takes to deliver professional quality audio and a terrific finished product.
Ron Puckett

About your instructor Ron Puckett

Ron resides in Orange County California. He was an Architect and Construction manager. But his passion and profession for the last 30 years has been Information Technology. Ron has worked in the film industry as an on-set audio engineer. He has done voice overs for film and television and has an extensive knowledge of audio editing and production.
Here’s what you get in this essential voice over training:
Week 1: Your Home Recording Space, Hardware and Software
  • How to choose the best place in your home to record
  • Inexpensive sound treatments that are easy to install.
  • Choose the best microphone without breaking the bank
  • Peripherals: shock mounts, pop filters, stands
  • Headphones and other monitors
  • Do you need a new computer? (hint: probably not ☺)
  • Recording software 101- how to download and install Audacity freeware for PC or Mac.
Week 2: Home Studio Technique
  • Microphone placement for different voice over styles
  • How to get rid of plosives, breaths, mouth noise and sibilance.
  • Eliminating room noise, fan noise, buzzes and hums.
  • Audio editing workshop: how to record great sounding audio on Audacity,
  • Saving and uploading your audio files.
  • How to record and submit your first test file for review.
Week 3: Audio File Review
  • Each audio submission will be reviewed during the class by Engineer Ron
  • Students will be instructed to fix their audio file according to the suggestions made
  • Common mistakes to be addressed with a real time editing demonstration.
  • All students to be given a new script to record for week 4 with instructions to submit their audio file for certification.
Week 4: Audio Certification
  • All submitted audio files will be reviewed.
  • Each file will be evaluated based on the “Home Studio Certification Criteria”.
  • Students meeting these requirements will be officially certified.
  • Those failing certification will be encouraged to retake the course for free the following month.
The Extreme Makeover Home Studio Edition Flash Training 
How To Prepare Your Professional Home Recording Space…
Without spending a Fortune Or Doing It Wrong (Value: $297)
To help you get ready for The Home Studio Masterclass,  Great Voice talent advisors Donna James and Joe Smith will walk you through the essentials of choosing the best place in your home to record, with step by step instructions on how to prep your space.

Plus, you’ll get a front row seat to two of our best…
Real-life Home Studio Makeovers: Before and After
Join Donna and Joe for a virtual field trip to the home studios of two of our students to see and hear how we were able to help them transform their home recording spaces from scratch to sensational! You’ll learn from their mistakes and get inspired by these astounding makeovers.

You’ll discover:
  • Epic desk fails: the 3 types of desks that spell acoustic disaster for voice over artists.
  • How to turn a closet into a professional recording space without getting rid of your clothes.
  • Don’t have a spare closet? We’ll show you some easy options for home recording when space is at a premium.
  • How to treat your studio space with inexpensive, sound absorptive  materials and mount them to the wall without destroying the paint job.
  • Noisy computer fan? We’ve got an easy fix to help you solve the problem without replacing your computer.  
  • Plus, a complete check-list of the essential home recording gear you’ll need and where to buy it.
At this point you’re probably wondering how much, right? Fair question. You’ve probably heard that voice over can be extremely lucrative, with some jobs paying hundreds, if not thousands of dollars.

For example, voice talent can make as much as $1200 for a one hour e learning program or $3,000 narrating an audio book. And it’s not uncommon to make $300, $500, $700 or more to narrate a corporate sales presentation.

Of course, your results may differ and I can’t guarantee that you’ll make any money at all. But I can guarantee the high quality of the comprehensive training you’ll receive.

That being said, I could make a well-reasoned case for pricing The Home Studio Masterclass 30 Day Sprint at $1,000, $2,000 even $3,000 dollars or more. It’s that valuable a resource for someone who takes action on what they learn.

But because I want to make this program accessible to as many people as possible, your tuition is only $497. We accept Pay Pal Pay Over Time.
My No-Fail You Can Do This Guarantee
Look, I know everyone has different learning styles. That’s perfectly normal. So here’s how we’ve got your back. Enroll in the Home Studio Masterclass 30-Day Sprint. Take the 4 classes, watch the recordings and submit your audio for certification after Class 3 but no later than 24 hours before the start time of the 4th and final class. If . If you fail to meet our professional recording standards simply retake the course the following month at no additional charge, until you are certified. We’re that sure this will work for you. . But please note, if you do not submit your audio for certification in time for the class 4, deadline we cannot allow you to retake the class for free, although you will be welcome to retake the class as a paid participant at a later date.
And here’s some more good news…

When you sign up for The Home Studio Masterclass you also get my BONUS VO Fast Start Training , a $297 value, absolutely free!

In This Remarkable Step-By-Step System I’ll Reveal My Embarrassingly-Easy Short-Cuts That Can Take Anyone From Raw Rookie To Microphone Ready Voice Over Talent As Fast As Humanly Possible.

Get started right away and digest the course in bite sized chunks at your convenience, or binge watch the entire training in less time than it takes to watch an episode or two of your favorite show on Netflix.
Here’s everything you get with my 
VO Fast Start System:
Here’s a sample of what you’ll learn:
System Component #1: 
Delivered to you INSTANTLY on-line in 4 concise, easy-to -follow video lessons.
Here’s a sample of what you’ll learn:
  • How to read voice over scripts comfortably and conversationally. This is sudden expertise that voice over wannabe's never dream they can attain in a lifetime yet you'll be reading with the total fluidity of a pro almost overnight.
  • The shortcut voice over performance tricks I use which GUARANTEE you'll give voice buyers exactly what they want with total confidence. You’ll sound like a pro when opportunity calls. 
  • How to think in pictures-the one trick that separates the top talent from "has-beens" who butcher scripts with phony-sounding announcer voices. You’ll be light years ahead of the pack! 
  • The #1 thing you must do to nail any script in seconds. I guarantee you’ll use my proprietary “living-room” technique in any audition or recording session you ever do, now and in the future--this technique is that fundamental.  
…and much, much more.
Perfect Performance: Total Value: $297
System Component #2: 
My Audition Success System Training 
  • How to keep auditions fun as you easily program your mind for confidence and success. This is the easiest way to throw out the “head trash”, stay focused and stop the negative self-talk that can inhibit your performance.
  • How to prepare your script in seconds, decipher difficult pronunciations and chart your way to effortless auditions.
  • The four questions you must ask before you begin to record and how to tailor your audition to the voice buyer to make them absolutely irresistible.
  • How to literally make the voice buyer forget about the competition and focus only on you.
  • How to use ‘left turns’ and ‘flair’ to make every audition stand out from the pack.
  • The “mumble in” technique and why you should use it before each and every audition (no exceptions) to get warmed up and in character so you’ll sound great from the very first word you say.
  • Voice acting secrets of the Hollywood stars! How to put the powerful acting technique of "RCI” to work for you in your auditions. The big-name Hollywood actors do this every time when they do voice overs and now you can do it too.
  • Best practices for slating your name – should you slate in character or not? I’ll get to the bottom of this so you can make a great impression in the crucial first 3 seconds.
  • How to make sure every audition is broadcast quality. Simply follow my handy recording checklist and rest assured you will sound your best.
  • How to avoid the ONE THING that agents and casting directors say drives them crazy about voice talent. People’s auditions have actually been deleted for doing this, but after I clue you in this will never happen to you.
  • How to get your auditions out the door fast without doing endless takes and agonizing over which one is best
  • What to do AFTER every audition to avoid a common (yet bone-headed) beginners mistake.
…and much, much more.
Audition Success System: Total Value: $287
Order Home Studio Masterclass in the next 20 minutes and get instant online access to these FAST ACTION BONUSES
How to find your Money Voice: advanced VO performance techniques for the "luxury read" for men and women"
With Susan Berkley and voice actor Randy Dean

My special guest for this class, Randy Dean, has made tens of thousands of dollars because he's mastered the ability to add "air" to his voice overs in what he calls the "luxury read." Randy's clients include: Volvo, Audi, Infiniti and Lexus. He's also an in-demand narrator for documentaries including a recent project on ice diving for Mares Regulators. Join us for this interactive-workshop and let Randy teach you this valuable technique.

You’ll discover:
  • Exactly how to add a more luxurious, "airy" sound to your voice overs
  • Why this special performance technique can help you book more work
  • How to prepare your voice with special warm-ups for "big money" work
  • Voice control secrets: how to prevent excess breathiness from spoiling a luxury read
  • Special microphone techniques for the big money luxury sound.
Luxury Read: Total Value: $297
How to Prepare A Voice Over Script Tips and techniques for effortless stress-free recording sessions. 
Step-by-step guidance for properly preparing and marking your voice over scripts before starting your recording sessions including: The 6 most effective (and unusual!) ways to decipher the toughest pronunciations --including the five types of words that frustrate talent the most and best practices for marking even the most difficult piece of copy to ensure smooth, stress-free recording sessions. 
Mark A Script: Total Value $197
It’s truly a no-brainer to give Home Studio Masterclass + VO FAST START a try.
Listen to what other people have to say:

"This class is awesome! I've been using Audacity for years for internal e-learning projects. Apparently, I really haven't been using it to its full potential for professional recordings. I learned so much tonight. Thank you so much for this class."

-Mike Frederick
Mandeville, LA

"The HSMC is phenomenal! I am getting so much out of it! I feel really confident that I can submit an audio book without help with my audio! Ron is a great teacher. I wish I could take more classes from him! I appreciate that the recorded classes are in the customer hub, I've referred back to them again and again."

-Judy Ruggles,
Ribera, NM

"You are a huge help in teaching us this very detailed and interesting part of our craft! Your sessions are wonderful! I am brand new at this technological end of voiceover.”

-Laura Giardina
Lyndhurst, NJ

" You are a fabulous, very clear, methodical teacher. This has been a very valuable experience. I feel MUCH MORE knowledgeable and confident about what I am doing - and why - thanks to your class. Still lots to learn but I feel I have a very firm foundation, finally."

-Steven Carlson
Irvine, CA
Choose your ordering option below
Funnelology 101
Hurry! Seating limited to 20 students per class

Only $497
Questions? Call us at 800-333-8108 
(9 am - 5 pm ET M-F) 
or email

What people are saying about The Home Studio Masterclass:

"You are a huge help in teaching us this very detailed and interesting part of our craft! Your sessions are wonderful! I am brand new at this technological end of voiceover.”

-Laura Giardina
Lyndhurst, NJ

" You are a fabulous, very clear, methodical teacher. This has been a very valuable experience. I feel MUCH MORE knowledgeable and confident about what I am doing - and why - thanks to your class. Still lots to learn but I feel I have a very firm foundation, finally."

-Steven Carlson
Irvine, CA
Steven Carlson

"I learned so much from last night’s class! Thank you for all your help and information! Your input was awesome."

Leslie Blake
Lubbock, TX

"This class was very informative, and I appreciate your taking the time to assist Great Voice in lending your expertise to instruct us in this exciting new Voice Over venture."

Gwendolyn Gomes
Tulsa, OK

"Thank you so much for the great work Ron. This was very, very helpful. I’m amazed at what you can do with the raw file without having to re-record!"

Paul Zimmerman
Redford, MI

"This class is awesome! I've been using Audacity for years for internal e-learning projects. Apparently, I really haven't been using it to its full potential for professional recordings. I learned so much tonight. Thank you so much for this class."

Mike Frederick
Mandeville, LA

"The HSMC is phenomenal! I am getting so much out of it! I feel really confident that I can submit an audio book without help with my audio! Ron is a great teacher. I wish I could take more classes from him! I appreciate that the recorded classes are in the customer hub, I've referred back to them again and again."

Judy Ruggles,
Ribera, NM
Required Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our program and its potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don't apply to the average attendee/purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.
Copyright The Great Voice Company - All Rights Reserved
1 DeWolf Rd, Suite 205 Old Tappan NJ 07675